Soccer, or “football”, as it is known around the world, is by far the most popular sport in the world. The “beautiful game”, as some may call it, offers players the ability to exercise, be part of a team, and demonstrate their athletic abilities. The game however would not be the same without the soccer ball. But what type of soccer ball should you buy? There are so many choices out there. For this reason, we have developed a list of the best soccer balls under $50 to help you navigate the world of imposters and marketing, and get the best soccer ball money can buy!
The quality of the soccer ball does have an impact on the soccer game and ultimately the soccer player’s performance. There are plenty of good-quality soccer balls under $50. The quality may also impact the final outcome of the score of the game. Many novice players may not even consider the quality, but depending on the quality, some players may be able to shoot with power, while others may struggle. The quality of the ball will also impact the passing and receiving. A soccer ball with too much air may be too bouncy and impact the first touch of the player, or too heavy and become too hard while still losing its integrity. A soccer ball that is underinflated may impact the ability of players to get a good feel and make correct passes to other teammates, not to mention, no one wants to play with an underinflated ball!
True Bounce, Responsiveness
A good quality soccer ball will have a good “true” bounce. This means that the ball will bounce at an angle directly in proportion to where it came from. If the ball hits the ground at a 90-degree angle from the air, then a good quality soccer ball will bounce right back up, at a 90-degree angle from the ground. Think about geometry and playing pool, those balls each have a true bounce and you can determine the angle of their bounce through geometry.
Soccer balls are inspected by FIFA for their “bounce” quality and will only pass certain FIFA inspections if the ball’s real bounce meets their criteria. The reason a soccer ball’s bounce is so critical is that players learn to dribble, pass, receive, and shoot with a ball that has that true bounce. The lower the “true bounce” or responsiveness on a ball, the more likely a player will make a mistake when receiving, passing, or shooting the soccer ball. Some fans and players have criticized World Cup balls in the past claiming that the manufacturer purposely changed the dynamics on the ball to get more goal scoring and make it more difficult for the keepers to judge the ball’s trajectory.

You can just imagine that professional premium soccer balls are the most expensive, have the highest quality, and therefore have the “truest bounce”. But don’t worry, you can still find a nice premium match or training ball under $50.
Keep in mind that a soccer ball’s quality or cost will not make or break your young soccer player, the kids still have to put their time into training and development. Materials, stitching, design, and diameter won’t matter as much as the “true bounce” of a soccer ball. Although the materials used, the hand stitching and diameter will impact the soccer ball’s “true bounce” and responsiveness.
A soccer ball that is inflated properly, made of good materials, and has a true bounce, will glide correctly through the air. A ball that is not inflated properly will not “fly” correctly due to the imbalance of the air inside the ball. Many advanced soccer players like to make the ball curve by kicking one side of the ball and making it spin rapidly to create a curve in the air. Some like to “knuckle” the ball, by kicking the ball exactly in the center and eliminating the spin completely as the soccer ball travels in the air. This can only be done when a soccer ball is inflated correctly and has a “true bounce” as the ball will need to “bounce” off the foot of the player.
To get closer to a good premium soccer ball, you must know where to find them and not fall into the marketing trap of some of these companies. To help you, I’ve developed a list of balls under $50 that will provide some guidance.
Soccer balls today, as of 2019, are made mostly of synthetic materials. The advances in technology have allowed soccer ball manufacturers to offer great quality soccer balls at lower prices since these materials can be made much easier. Just a few decades ago balls were still covered with naturally occurring materials, including leather. These advances have improved the performance, including the “true bounce” of a soccer ball, and added to the life of a soccer ball. The synthetic material also allows the ball to stay dry during wet rainy soccer games.
Soccer balls come in a few different sizes and weights. The most common soccer ball is a size 5, which is used by children 13 years old and up to professional soccer leagues. The next smaller ball is a size 4, which is used by children ages 9 years old to 12 years old. This ball is a bit smaller than the size 5. The other “match ball” size is a size 3, which are used by children under 9 years old. Although these are lower-priced balls under $50, the ball may be smaller in size, but the same still applies to the quality and their “true bounce”.
Don’t be fooled by designs on a soccer ball. The majority of the people we speak to say they buy a soccer ball based on the design. Don’t fall into this category. While soccer balls come in all types of designs, you want to analyze the quality of the ball if you are going to use it as a “match ball”. For fun around the house, the design can be whatever you choose. But for practice and/or a game ball, make sure you select your soccer ball based on quality and feel, and less on design.
Comparison Chart
Select Futsal Jinga – Senior and Junior
The Jinga from Select has remained a best-seller for years and years thanks to its perfect construction and transition between panels, which makes for optimal control and accuracy. Thanks to its perfect shape and design, it is a fantastic ball to use during your intense practice sessions.
Select’s futsal Jinga boasts a wonderfully colorful design that helps it stand out amongst the crowd while also providing high visibility for those times when you want to practice when it’s getting dark outside. It is made from highly-durable PU material that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
The ball also comes with a butyl bladder with polyester fibers inside to ensure that the ball always has the perfect bounce and easy control. Plus, it can be used by kids and adults, men and women alike. It is great for both weekend family fun and league games.
Nike Academy – Team Soccer Ball
It’s no secret that Nike is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of sporting equipment, which is why it should come as no surprise that they produce great quality soccer balls. Their team soccer ball comes in a range of different colors and boasts incredible construction.
It features high-contrast graphics that help you track the ball easily, which makes it great for playing in low visibility conditions, such as indoors or during the sunset. The ball features molded grooves that are designed for a consistent spin when the ball is in the air, allowing you to add a lot of finesse to your shots that otherwise would not be possible.
While certainly not the most affordable soccer ball on the market, you’re paying for world-class quality when you pay for Nike. After all, Nike’s balls have been used by professional players from all around the world.
Adidas Unisex-Adult MLS Soccer Ball
Adidas is a giant in the world of sporting equipment, and they produce some of the best gear out there. Despite this, not many people know that they also make some of the best soccer balls in the world. Their Adult MLS soccer ball is a testament to this, thanks to its wide range of features and capabilities.
The ball is made using 100% thermoplastic elastomeric, which is in place to make the ball as durable and weather-resistant as possible. You can practice and play with this ball in rain, wind, or shine, and it’s going to perform perfectly every time.
You’ll find a butyl bladder on the interior of the ball that not only provides it with a fantastic bounce but also creates excellent air retention so that you don’t constantly have to inflate the ball. This ball is great for regular play by both teenagers and adults.
Adidas Nativo MLS
With this soccer ball, you get what you pay for with good quality and durability to make it a good investment for your money.
The Outer Cover is made from very high-quality polyurethane materials that will add to the overall durability and longevity of the ball.
With a butyl bladder equipped, this ball will keep its shape all the time while you play the game on the field.
The ball’s textured surface provides you with good ball control and excellent responsiveness from all positions on the field.
It is certified to be used in all professional levels of the game, which includes MLS, CCA, and FIFA, making it the best choice.
A strong thermally bonded seamless construction helps the ball retain its form even after many hours of gameplay and practice.
This is a great option for professional gameplay with a good testing score for shape retention, water uptake, and the perfect weight.
Brine Voracity Soccer Ball
Brine also offers the Voracity Soccer ball with not quite the same appeal as the Phantom, but still a good training ball with great quality. The Voracity offers an Abrasion-resistant, soft Polyurethane cover for responsiveness on the pitch. The High Retention Latex bladder system and hand stitching help to maintain that responsive “true bounce” from strong shots and passes.
The best soccer ball under $50 at this time is the Phantom X. I have used these balls for several years for training and High School soccer games. The fact that Brine continues to manufacture the same quality ball year after year says alot about the quality of the ball. When comparing quality, durability, responsiveness, and price, the Phantom X wins. HS soccer teams across the country also continue to depend on the Phantom soccer ball year after year. For these reasons and many more, the Phantom X wins the best soccer ball under $50 competition.
What’s your favorite football under $50.00?